The most powerful of feedbacks in the Arctic is sea ice and snow cover, said Miller, the lead author on a paper about past "Arctic amplification" in the journal Quaternary Science Reviews.
We'll wrap him in tissue paper, put him in a little box, then have a nice burial ceremony in the back yard. After that, we'll go out for an ice cream soda, and then get you a new pet.
On any summer day thousands of visitors stroll through Rushmore, many licking ice-cream cones wrapped in paper American flags.
"Once a runaway instability starts, it cannot be stopped until a new stable position is found [for the ice sheet]," writes geophysicist Erik r. Ivins in an editorial accompanying the Science paper.
This paper introduces a system of China's first large looking ice station for automatic measuring of various parameters concerned with vibration of iced conductors.
Ice Paper(1991年10月29日-),本名魏然,出生于江苏省淮安市,毕业于南京艺术学院,中国内地男歌手、说唱厂牌南京Free-out成员。 2014年参加浙江卫视歌唱选秀节目《中国好声音第三季》,从而正式进入演艺圈。2015年获得“新枫采创业颁奖典礼”新声代最佳新锐歌手奖。2016年推出首张个人音乐专辑《魏然VR》。之后使用艺名“Ice Paper”在说唱音乐领域发展。2019年发布的歌曲《心如止水》在网上掀起了一股热潮,还获得了TMEA腾讯音乐娱乐盛典年度十大金曲奖。