I'm very excited to participate in the 2011 Miss NY Chinese Beauty Pageant and am honored to be able to enter as the finalist.
In 2004, the Fujian beauty married Chinese actor Ling Xiao Su but they divorced in January this year.
But this accomplishment didn't interest the Chinese media as much as Xia's beauty.
Once, I sent stories written about our efforts and event photos to Michael, and he replied, via a spokesman: “I see beauty in Chinese people’s eyes, and I love you.”
Small and delicate, cleverly laid out and pleasing to the eye, the streams , bridges, rockeries and pavilions of a private Chinese garden reveal a natural beauty of their own.
My first impression wasthe diversity and beauty of the Chinese landscapes.
The beauty is the first ethnic Chinese crowned Miss World Canada and was the winner of the Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant 2004.
这是华人首次在加拿大小姐比赛上夺魁。 2004年,马艳冰获得"多伦多华姐"称号。
Chinese were quick to criticize the trend for being an unrealistic standard of beauty.
As the earliest users, the Chinese have enjoyed its beauty since the Neolithic Age.
Lanting station interior design is the same as her name beauty, let a person get drunk, elegant Chinese style not rich not dull, like orchid refreshing.
The Miss World 2010 Beauty Pageant finals at the Beauty Crown Theatre in the southern Chinese resort town of Sanya on October 30, 2010.
The paper expounds the possibility of translating classical Chinese verses and ditties, and of creating the beauty both in sense and sound in particular.
Admittedly, this limit has made it possible for the public to realize the importance of environmental protection and enable we Chinese people to cherish the beauty of our communities.
Due to the differences of the two cultural spirit, the content and expression form of Chinese and Western harmonious beauty is different.
Fan Dongling, 21, a junior majoring in Chinese literature at Shenzhen University, says it's a shame that young people no longer appreciate the beauty of Chinese characters due to typing on computers.
The Chinese class teaching is inseparable to the teaching structure beauty.
Both Chinese and western classical arts paid great attention to harmonious beauty, however, on different points.
In traditional Chinese culture, the rabbit symbolizes graciousness, kindness, good manners, and sensitivity to beauty.
The Chinese think "the love" and "the beauty" are in the distance, not around themselves, and the calling centre of love is playing this role.
These small pieces of clay art show the love that all Chinese people have for life and beauty.