find (something or someone) unexpectedly or in the course of a search
firemen discovered a body in the debris 消防队员们在废墟中发现一具尸体
she discovered her lover in the arms of another woman.
become aware of (a fact or situation)
the courage to discover the truth and possibly be disappointed 在可能会失望的情况下了解真相的勇气
[with clause]
it was a relief to discover that he wasn't in .知道他不在里面让大家松了口气。
be the first to find or observe (a place, substance, or scientific phenomenon)
Fleming discovered penicillin early in the twentieth century .弗莱明在20世纪初首次发现了青霉素。
perceive the attractions of (an activity or subject) for the first time
a teenager who has recently discovered fashion .一个刚感受到时尚魅力的年轻人。
be the first to recognize the potential of (an actor, singer, or musician)
I discovered the band back in the mid 70s .早在70年代中期我就慧眼看中了这个乐队。
〈古〉 泄漏(秘密)
they contain some secrets which Time will discover .他们有些秘密,时间会让其水落石出的。
disclose the identity of (someone)
she at last discovered herself to me .她终于向我透露了自己的身份。
display (a quality or feeling)
with what agility did these military men discover their skill in feats of war .这些军人们是以何等的机敏在辉煌的战争中展示了他们的技能。
"Middle English (in the sense ‘make known’): from Old French