the statue of liberty
时间: 2023-10-12 07:28:10


  • This celebration of opulence and wealth and power undercuts the character of the Statue of Liberty.


  • "Now it is my hope that the Statue of Liberty and her incredible story will live on and on, inspiring generations for years to come, " she added.


  • But if you step back and reflect on it, "Well, let's see, I was eating a sandwich and suddenly the sandwich was the Statue of Liberty, except the Statue of Liberty was my mother.


  • Cynthia, who holds master's degree from Columbia University, made cookies shaped like the Statue of Liberty.


  • The Statue of Liberty was originally designed and constructed in France before being deconstructed and shipped to America in 350 individual pieces packed in 214 crates.

    最开始的时候,自由女神像是在法国设计和建造的。 之后神像被分解成350块装到214个箱中运到美国。


自由女神像(英文:Statue of Liberty),全名为“自由女神铜像国家纪念碑”,正式名称是“自由照耀世界(Liberty Enlightening the World)”,位于美国纽约海港内自由岛的哈德逊河口附近。是法国于1876年为纪念美国独立战争胜利一百周年而建造的,1886年10月28日铜像落成。 自由女神穿着古希腊风格服装,头戴光芒四射冠冕,七道尖芒象征七大洲。右手高举象征自由的火炬,左手捧着《独立宣言》;脚下是打碎的手铐、脚镣和锁链,象征着挣脱暴政的约束和自由。 自由女神像是美国的象征,美利坚民族和美法人民友谊象征,表达美国人民争取民主、自由的崇高理想。自由是美国的象征。 1984年,美国自由女神铜像国家纪念碑列入世界遗产名录,其内涵被广泛用于各种领域。

  • Where's the Statue of Liberty? Where? Right there. God. I can not see it now.


    《Friends Season 1》《老友记第一季》

  • Who's focusing? There's nothing to focus on. It's the Statue of Liberty. Right.


    《Friends Season 1》《老友记第一季》

  • We stole the Statue of Liberty, the small one from Las Vegas. And I won't even mention the Eiffel Tower! Also Vegas.


    《Despicable Me》《神偷奶爸》

  • Hey, kids. Come here. Do you see anything right here? Yeah. It looks like a boat. A boat. Yeah. Right in front of the Statue of Liberty.


    《Friends Season 1》《老友记第一季》

  • So, the Statue of Liberty is from France, we have a Ukrainian bakery, and the New York Mets are from all over the world. Nice country you got here.


    《Girl Meets World Season 3》《女孩成长记 第三季》

  • Because it's possible to both enforce our laws. And at the same time, embrace the words on the Statue of Liberty that have welcomed generations of huddled masses to our shores. We can do both.


    《Oprah Winfrey Speech at Harvard》《奥普拉演讲》


syllables n. 音节;(syllable的复数)

aac abbr. 自动幅度控制(Automatic Ampltiude Control的缩写)

transpierce v. 刺穿;戳穿

i like 我喜欢

general election n. 大选;普选

stadium 体育场;露天体育场;斯塔德;竞走跑道;战车赛道

bon appetit 好胃口;胃口好;津津有味

winds down 慢下来

dramatization n. 改编成戏剧;编剧

fixedly adv. 不动;不变;固定地;固定