The Six Sigma Black Belt should be able to compute the break even point for a project.
Some business may have better market place and earn higher profit whilst another business in the same industry may end up at break even point.
Eventually a break even point is reached where the extra implementation cost of a given project is balanced by the global savings from reusing past projects.
This paper discusses the breakeven point engineering volume, break even point unit price, profit and operating safety ratio in the contract of drilling engineering.
"Terminator 2" finally made $200 million, which was considered to be the break-even point for the picture.
盈亏平衡点(Break Even Point,简称BEP)又称零利润点、保本点、盈亏临界点、损益分歧点、收益转折点。通常是指全部销售收入 等于全部成本时(销售收入线与总成本线的交点)的产量。以盈亏平衡点的界限,当销售收入高于盈亏平衡点时企业盈利,反之,企业就亏损。盈亏平衡点可以用销售量来表示,即盈亏平衡点的销售量;也可以用销售额来表示,即盈亏平衡点的销售额。