of or relating to an empire
Britain's imperial era .英国的帝国时期。
of or relating to an emperor
the imperial family .皇族。
majestic; magnificent
the bedroom is huge and very imperial .卧室巨大而华丽。
imperious or domineering
the party and its autocratic—many would say imperial—ways .这个政党以及它专制的——许多人会说飞扬跋扈的——处事方式。
of, relating to, or denoting the system of non-metric weights and measures (the ounce, pound, stone, inch, foot, yard, mile, acre, pint, gallon, etc.) formerly used for all measures in the UK, and still used for some
〈主史〉 (纸张尺寸)(英国)762 × 559 毫米的,即30 × 22 英寸的。
a small pointed beard growing below the lower lip (associated with Napoleon Ⅲ of France)
"late Middle English: via Old French from Latin