a bit too
时间: 2023-11-27 03:07:22


  • You lose your patience and either scream at your kids or say something that was a bit too harsh and does nobody any good.


  • The light's a bit too harsh. You can turn it off.


  • I think you're a bit too high-and-mighty yourself.


  • I just decided I was a bit too frivolous to be a doctor.


  • You will need a torch or you won't be able to see sweets, and it might get a bit too scary.


  • Oh, maybe that was just a bit too high.


    《Peppa Pig》《小猪佩奇(精选版)》

  • Maybe Peppa is teasing George just a bit too much.


    《Peppa Pig Season 1》《小猪佩奇 第一季》

  • Oh. Maybe George is a bit too little to play the accordion.


    《Peppa Pig Season 1》《小猪佩奇 第一季》

  • Got it. George is out. George is a bit too little even for bat and ball.


    《Peppa Pig Season 4》《小猪佩奇 第四季》

  • George is a bit too little for the roundabout. He is playing on the swing.


    《Peppa Pig Season 2》《粉红猪小妹 第二季》

  • Can I use it first, Daddy? It's a bit too difficult for children to use. Even I need to read the instructions. It's a bit harder than I thought.

    我可以第一个使用吗爸爸? 对孩子来说用起来有一点困难啊。就算是我也得想看说明书!比我想象中的要难一点。

    《Get fluent spoken English in 100 days》《100天养成流利口语》

  • Can I use it first, Daddy? It's a bit too difficult for children to use. Even I need to read the instructions! It's a bit harder than I thought.

    我可以第一个使用吗爸爸? 对孩子来说用起来有一点困难啊。就算是我也得想看说明书!比我想象中的要难一点。

    《Peppa Pig Season 1》《小猪佩奇 第一季》

  • Daddy. Have a go. I'm a bit too heavy. Come on, Daddy. It's really fun. Oh, all right.


    《Peppa Pig Season 2》《粉红猪小妹 第二季》

  • Daddy! Have a go! Er. I'm a bit too heavy. Come on, Daddy! It's really fun! Oh, all right!


    《Peppa Pig》《小猪佩奇(精选版)》

  • Oh, dear! It is a bit too high for George. Don't cry, George. I'll slide down with you.


    《Peppa Pig Season 1》《小猪佩奇 第一季》

  • Daddy Pig has found a little puddle. Let's see if these boots work. The puddle is a bit too little for Daddy Pig.


    《Peppa Pig Season 2》《粉红猪小妹 第二季》

  • Daddy Pig has found a little puddle. Let's see if these boots work. The puddle is a bit too little for Daddy Pig.


    《Get fluent spoken English in 100 days》《100天养成流利口语》

  • Oh, maybe that was just a bit too high. What a shame, that was the last pancake. It should be a simple matter to get it down.


    《Peppa Pig Season 1》《小猪佩奇 第一季》

  • Oh, maybe that was just a bit too high. What a shame, that was the last pancake. It should be a simple matter to get it down.


    《Get fluent spoken English in 100 days》《100天养成流利口语》

  • Oh, dear. Grandpa Pig's boat has run out of petrol. Very clever, Captain Grandpa. Maybe I did go a bit too fast.


    《Peppa Pig Season 1》《小猪佩奇 第一季》

  • Oh dear. It is a bit too high for George. Don't worry George. I will come up with you. That's one pound, please. Oh.


    《Peppa Pig Season 3》《小猪佩奇 第三季》

  • But we want to ride our own bicycles. George is a bit too little. His legs will get very tired. But I am a big girl, I won't get tired.


    《Peppa Pig Season 2》《粉红猪小妹 第二季》

  • Grandpa Pig. Papa lg. Hello, everyone. I hear there's some grass that needs cutting. And it's just a bit too long for my lawn mower.


    《Peppa Pig Season 2》《粉红猪小妹 第二季》

  • I may have borrowed this book for a bit too long. Don't worry, Daddy Pig, it cannot be that bad. Gosh, Daddy Pig you've had this book out for ten years.

    这本书我可能借的时间有点长了。别担心,猪爸爸,应该不会很久吧。天呐,我说猪爸爸,这本书你居然已经借了十年了 !

    《Peppa Pig Season 3》《小猪佩奇 第三季》

  • George? You do love to throw Mr. Dinosaur in the air. I wonder if this time you threw Mr. Dinosaur just a bit too high. There he is. There he is. I saw him first.


    《Get fluent spoken English in 100 days》《100天养成流利口语》


abscisic acid n. 脱落酸

aerial n. 天线;空中技巧滑雪。adj. 在空中…的;来自空中的;在空中进行的;气生的;长时飞翔的;在空中翱翔的;大气的;空气般的;虚无缥缈的;虚幻的

institute to 学会

protestant reformation 新教改革

indirect speech n. 转述引语;转告引述

machine guns 机关枪

handicraft n. 手艺;手工艺;手工艺品

leak test 泄漏测试;泄漏试验;泄漏检测

monochrome n. 黑白照片;单色照片;单色画;单色图片;黑白重现;单色复制。adj. 黑白的;单色的

rub it in 向某人反复提及尴尬(或令人痛苦)的事, 揭某人的疮疤