Health workers in the Central African Republic also suffered in the recent conflict: many were victims of the violence.
Central African Republic health workers have few resources to deal with the psychological damage caused by the violence.
However, with these events since 2008, the Central African Republic is now considered to be at high risk of further outbreaks.
Humanitarian groups say the situation in the Central African Republic is worsening daily, with the violence in some areas reaching unprecedented levels.
Africa has the highest rate of disabled children; in the Central African Republic nearly one-third have some kind of disability yet have no help from the state and no legal rights.
If the court is making a difference anywhere, it should be in the broad zone of conflict that straddles Congo, Rwanda, Uganda and the Central African Republic, where most of its work has been done.
But when countries do emerge from crisis, as Sierra Leone, Liberia, the DRC, and the Central African Republic have done in recent years, they face a new set of obstacles on the road to development.
One in 10hildren in the Central African Republic is suffering from malnutrition - a humanitarian crisis blamed on the collapse of the world diamond price.
In 2008 and 2009 only the DRC and Central African Republic declared over 1000 new cases per year.
Like other poor African countries in this list the Central African Republic is actually self-sufficient in food but still a lot of people suffer from malnutrition and famine.
Abroad, South Africa launched itself as one of the region’s leading peacemakers, mediating in conflicts across Africa and sending troops into Darfur, Burundi, the Central African Republic and Congo.
Hitherto, this has usually been done at the request of the state itself, as in Uganda, the Central African Republic (CAR) and Congo.
Other cities with poor living standards include N’Djamena, Chad, at number 220, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, at number 219, and Bangui, Central African Republic at number 218.
The Central African Republic, with virtually no army of its own, ordered Ugandan troops to withdraw from certain areas last year, amid suspicions of diamond smuggling.
In Central African Republic, Gadhafi sent troops to support a government confronting coup attempts and an insurgency in 2001.
Conflicts have increased the number of slum-dwellers by at least 10% in Central African Republic and Cote d'Ivoire.
We will probably increase our investments in the Central African Republic.
Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Central African Republic and Uganda have all been targeted by the LRA in the last two years.
Today, according to self-described realists, conflicts in Syria or Ukraine or the Central African Republic are not ours to solve.
This is the second Yellow fever event reported by the Central African Republic in 2008.
Rwanda, Burundi, the Central African Republic, Benin and Togo -- all nations in Sub-Saharan Africa -- are the least satisfied with their lives, the report said.
Children accused of witchcraft number in the thousands in the DR Congo, the Central African Republic, southern Nigeria, and parts of Angola.