a position in the hierarchy of the armed forces
an army officer of fairly high rank 军衔颇高的陆军军官
he was promoted to the rank of Captain .他晋升为舰长。
a position within the hierarchy of an organization or society
only two cabinet members had held ministerial rank before .只有两名内阁成员曾经担任过大臣。
[mass noun]high social position
persons of rank and breeding .地位显赫、血统高贵的人。
【统计】 次序排列,等级。
(in systemic grammar)the level of a linguistic unit or set of linguistic units in relation to other sets in the hierarchy
a single line of soldiers or police officers drawn up abreast
he was fined and reduced to the ranks .他被处以罚款,并被降为士兵。参见<Bold>OTHER RANKS</Bold>.
the ranks of Britain's unemployed .英国的失业群体。
a regular row or line of things or people
conifer plantations growing in serried ranks .排列密集的针叶树林。
【棋】 横排,棋盘横格。比较<Bold>FILE</Bold><Superscript>2</Superscript>.
〈英〉 <Bold>TAXI RANK</Bold>的简称。
【数】 秩。
an analogous quantity in other kinds of group
give (someone or something) a rank or place within a grading system
rank them in order of preference 按喜好排定顺序
[with obj. and complement]
she is ranked number four in the world .她被评定为世界第四名。
[no obj., with adverbial]have a specified rank or place within a grading system
he now ranks third in America .他目前在美国名列第三。
[with obj.]
〈美〉 级别高于,地位高于
the Secretary of State ranks all the other members of the cabinet .国务卿比其他内阁成员地位都高。
arrange in a rank or ranks
the tents were ranked in orderly rows .帐篷有序地排成行。
(of vegetation)growing too thickly and coarsely
(especially of air or water)having a foul or offensive smell
the tea at work is nice but the coffee's pretty rank .上班地方的茶味道不错,但那里的咖啡就实在不敢恭维了。
[attrib.](especially of something bad or deficient)complete and utter (used for emphasis)
rank stupidity 绝顶愚蠢
rank amateurs 纯粹的业余人士
a rank outsider .十足的门外汉。
J. Arthur, 1st Baron (1888—1972), English industrialist and film executive; full name
break rank (或ranks ) (of soldiers or police officers) fail to remain in line (士兵,警察)解散队列;打乱队形;溃散 -
figurative fail to maintain solidarity 〈喻〉 拆伙,散伙,分道扬镳the government is prepared to break ranks with the Allied states . 政府准备与盟国决裂 -
close ranks (of soldiers or police officers) come closer together in a line (士兵,警察)靠拢,集合 -
figurative unite in order to defend common interests 〈喻〉 (为捍卫共同利益)团结起来the family had always closed ranks in times of crisis . 这个家庭危机时刻总能紧密团结 -
keep rank (of soldiers or police officers) remain in line (士兵,警察)保持队形 -
pull rank take unfair advantage of one's seniority or privileged position 利用地位压服 -
rise through (或from) the ranks (of a private or a non-commissioned officer) receive a commission (列兵,军士)升为军官 -
advance in an organization by one's own efforts (凭借个人努力)晋升,提升
he rose through the ranks to become managing director . 他一步步从基层升为总裁
rank + 形容词 位列…;排名…
rank sb/sth 对…进行排列/分类
"Middle English: from Old French