remove forcibly from power
military coups which had attempted to overthrow the King .企图推翻国王的军事政变。
put an end to (something), typically by the use of force or violence
their subversive activities are calculated to overthrow parliamentary democracy .他们的颠覆活动旨在结束议会民主。
〈古〉 打翻在地;击倒
one who is already prostrate cannot be overthrown .已经趴在地上的人是无法击倒的。
throw (a ball) further than the intended distance
he grips the ball too tight and overthrows it .他球抓得太紧,投得过远。
〈主北美〉 投球超过(接手)
Perkins jumped on him for overthrowing wideout Mark Carrier early in the game .由于在球赛开始后不久投球超过边侧接应队员马克·凯利,帕金斯把他痛斥了一顿。
[in sing.]a removal from power; a defeat or downfall
plotting the overthrow of the government .阴谋颠覆政府。
(in cricket, baseball, and other games)a throw which sends a ball past its intended recipient or target
a score made because the ball has been overthrown
his throw missed the stumps and went for four overthrows .他没有击中门柱,结果四次投球过远失分。
a panel of decorated wrought-iron work above an arch or gateway