return to the charge
时间: 2024-04-24 05:16:36
英 [rɪˈtəːn tə ðə tʃɑːdʒ]
美 [rəˈtərn tu ði tʃɑrdʒ]


  • The day after Mr Cameron’s speech, Lord Wei, a social activist and former management consultant who was put in charge of the policy, announced that he was leaving his role to return to community work.

    就在卡梅伦发表相关演讲的次日,社会活动家和前任国家管理顾问,魏爵士就发表言论称:他即将放下手里的工作,却只是为了回去当一名社工。 而口出此言的,就是那个受命负责这项政策的家伙。

  • They will return to some criticism of their decision not to return earlier to take charge of this and other crises, such as the financial troubles in the eurozone.


  • The survivors report knife-wielding smugglers told passengers they would travel to the Somali city of Bossaso in a smaller boat to re-charge a battery and then return.


  • QB runs for up to eight hours on a full charge and will automatically return to its charging base if the lithium battery pack runs low.


  • When you charge the battery, magnesium ions are reduced and the antimony ions are oxidized, and return to their initial state.


  • At first, I wanted to stay in the Douro mainland for some time, but because of good and eviltwo God's bet and had to return to God in charge.


  • The weekly rate for a Toyota Camry is $300. There is no charge for mileage, but you need to fill up the gas when you return the car.


  • He was in charge of the club's reserves when the call came to return home.


  • Some borrowers also complain that Banks or lending firms do not return their calls or that it is too hard to get in touch with the right person in charge of mortgage.


  • Every year, the charge for depreciation and return of investment in definite ratio will be appropriated to the enterprise, based on its fixed asset balance.


  • The resigned employee should return the items and pay breach fee, training fee, compensation money and related charge according to the clauses specified in labor contract and special agreement.


  • In charge of after-sales service. Send the customer's feedback to Quality Department and return the results to customers.


  • We only charge the actual room fee and deposit(will return to you when check out).


  • The damping down charge defined dy this method can return furnace production; to normal quickly.


  • Last night, the person in charge related to Southern Airlines, said flight engine in the air a "glitch", taking into account the safety of the passengers chose to return.


  • There is also the monobasic subject of male one matter-bus depot Ci charge collect, originally should have no above-mentioned condition so complicated, but came to return back to "tie" 3 rounds.


  • There is no charge to bring your pet, however, a cleaning fee may be applied at return if the motorhome is brought back in unclean condition because of the pet.


  • Walcott seemed more focused on Thierry Henry's return to the Emirates as one of a host of former players in attendance to mark Wenger's 13th anniversary in charge.


  • More balanced conditions in the U. S. market will help it to lead the charge in the return to global economic growth.


  • The shop was anxious to return her beads, newly strung, and without charge, only a couple of them had been crushed underfoot.

    除了一两颗被脚踩碎的珠子外,商店已经免费 为珀尔重新穿好了项链,并盼望着能将项链还给她。


archaic make a further attempt at something, especially when arguing a point

〈古〉  (尤指争论中)再次尝试。


dough figurine 面人

sets off 引起

nurture v. 养育;培养;怀有。n. 养育;培育;教养;培养;后天培育

settling agent 沉降剂;助沉剂;沉淀剂

arrive on time

immerse v. 浸;泡;投入;陷入;沉浸于;给…施洗礼

needs must 必须;不得不

biosensors n. 生物传感器;(biosensor的复数)

mpps abbr. 包转发率; 百万脉波/秒(million pulses per second)

refine sugar 制糖