murder conviction
时间: 2024-02-25 00:29:54
英 [ˈməːdə kənˈvɪkʃ(ə)n]
美 [ˈmərdər kənˈvɪkʃ(ə)n]


  • The athlete is expected to be sentenced for the new murder conviction by a lower court at a date still to be determined.


  • The Supreme Court threw out the confession and voided his conviction for murder.


  • He is on hunger strike in protest at what he claims is his wrongful conviction for murder.


  • Pratt, a former Black Panther, served 27 years in jail before his conviction in a 1968 California murder case was vacated.


  • “Presunto Culpable” (“Presumed Guilty”), a documentary about the conviction of a young man, Antonio Zúñiga, for a murder he did not commit, was released last month to modest success.

    “Presunto Culpable”(“假定有罪”)上个月发行并取得了适度的成功,这是一部关于未参与谋杀的年轻人Antonio Zúñiga的定罪的纪录片。

  • In 1985 a man named John Thompson was convicted of murder after prosecutors hid a blood test that would have cleared him of a prior conviction, for armed robbery.

    1985年,一个名叫约翰·汤普森(John Thompson)的男子被法庭判决谋杀罪名成立。当时检察人员隐瞒了一项血检结果,该结果本可以洗脱他之前持枪抢劫的定罪。

  • After his conviction of piracy and murder charges in a sensational London trial, he was left to hang over the River Thames for two years.


  • That conviction contributed to the murder charge, because in the light of it, Mr Thompson was advised not to testify in court; and, eventually, that led to a capital sentence.


  • His great talent, it was said, was that he could do a job of murder all by himself, without confederates, which automatically made discovery and conviction by the law almost impossible.



within an inch of 差点儿;贴近

have whiskers 古老;不再新奇

live-in adj. 寄住在雇主家的;居住的;与他人同居的;住宅的。n. 作为性伴侣与他人同居者;住家雇员

dialectical adj. 逻辑论证的;辩证的

run high 水满的, 高涨的, 水流湍急的;强烈, 剧烈

rehearsal room 排演室;排练室;排练场

dwarfing n. 侏儒;矮子。adj. 矮小的;相形见绌的。vt. 使矮小;(dwarf的现在分词形式)。vi. 变矮小;(dwarf的现在分词)

tenancies pl-n. 租赁;租用;(tenancy的复数)

variations n. 变种;变化;变异;变奏曲;(variation的复数)

walking into 走进