How did you get this number? Here's what I need you to do. I need you go into work today...
《The Good Wife Season 7》《傲骨贤妻第七季》
Grampy Rabbit, how did you go to the moon? I flew in the rocket. It's a bit small. This is just a model.
《Peppa Pig Season 4》《小猪佩奇 第四季》
So, now, you're looking down a ravine. Did you go down? I tried. But it was narrow, jagged, impossible without SAR. So, how did you figure that... That she was dead? It was narrow, jagged, and at least 50 feet to rock bottom. And it was dead quiet.
你向峡谷下方看。你下去了吗?我尝试了。但峡谷又窄又崎岖,没有搜救队是下不去的。那你怎么知道... 她已经死了?峡谷又窄又崎岖,至少有五十尺深。而且一片死寂。
How did you go to the forest park?
How did you go to Guilin last week?
In college, how did you go about influencing someone to accept your ideas?
It looks pretty legendary to me,but I understand that your mum never wrote the recipe down, so how did you go about recreating it?