时间: 2024-02-06 14:01:16

bar association

  • 他得到了律师协会的许可。

    He gets the admissions approval from the <em>bar</em> <em>association</em>.

  • 只有通过律师协会考试并获得证书的律师才能开业.

    Only lawyers who have been examined and certified by the <em>bar</em> <em>association</em> are admitted to practice.

  • 联邦法官候选人名单要提交到美国律师协会委员会,只有获得其同意才能进行任命。

    Names of candidates for the federal judiciary are submitted to a committee of the American <em>Bar</em> <em>Association</em> and appointment is usually made only with its approval.

  • 罗斯律师事务所向阿肯色州律师协会投诉韦布.哈贝尔,声称他多收了客户的钱,并虚报开支。韦布辞去了司法部的职务,但他向希拉里保证,自己与指控无关。

    The Rose Law Firm filed a complaint against Webb Hubbell with the Arkansas <em>Bar</em> <em>Association</em> for allegedly overcharging his clients and padding his expenses.

  • 美国律师协会(American Bar Association)的一份报告显示过去3年里,大多数州削减了法院10%到15%的经费。

    A report by the American <em>Bar</em> <em>Association</em> found that in the last three years, most states have cut court funding by around 10-15%.

  • 由于许多地方律师协会承诺对候选人的资格进行评估并据此决定支持与否,因此情况得到一定的改善。

    The situation has been somewhat improved since many local <em>bar</em> <em>association</em>s have undertaken to evaluate the qualifications of candidates and to support or oppose them on this basis.

  • 在美国开业的律师协会.

    Association of lawyer practise in the usa.

  • 律师协会秘书长

    Secretary general of Bar (Lawyer) Association

  • 律师职业律师协会破产债务解除破产法官

    Bankruptcy discharge bankruptcy judge bar

  • 1995年成为魁北克律师协会成员。

    She is a member of the Quebec Bar since 1995.
