nuclear device
thermonuclear device
10月, 北朝鲜爆炸了他的第一个由钚制造的核装置.
In October, North Korea exploded its first <em>nuclear</em> <em>device</em> , made using plutonium.
While other non-nuclear equipment can cause EMPs, the <em>nuclear</em> <em>device</em>s impose a far greater danger, especially when detonated at a high-altitude.
Perhaps less than a kiloton , which sounds like a lot but is actually small as <em>nuclear</em> <em>device</em>s go.
Size of the device. A more powerful bomb will produce more distant effects.
And unlike other pulses, nuclear HEMP events can be broken down into three distinct waveforms.
或许还不到一千吨, 这听起来似乎很多,但事实上用于核装置则是相当少的.
Perhaps less than a kiloton, which sounds like a lot but is actually small go.