时间: 2023-07-20 16:52:27

jump v.跳;跃;跳跃;突然快速地行动;助推启动;跳过;略过;突然抖动;越过

leap v.飞跃;跳;跳跃;跳过;跳越;飞快移动;突然行动;急不可待地行动;急切接受;飞涨;急剧增长

bound v.跳动;跳跃着前进;形成界限;关;围入;限制;弹回;弹开

skip v.轻快地蹦跳;当(运动队的)领队;跳绳;错过;不参加;偷偷溜走;轻松跳过;消失;跳;略过

hop v.单脚跳;用啤酒花调味;使兴奋;刺激;跳跃;跳过;齐足跳;跃过;作快速旅行

spring v.跳;跃;蹦;发源于;来自;给(车辆;家具)装上软垫;翘曲;裂开;付账;突然发现;撞见

bounce v.弹起;反弹;碰撞;跳跃着前进;反射;被退回;迅速恢复;弹跳;不断地跳动

beat v.猛抽;狠揍;战胜;击败;领先;抢先;搏动;跳动;扑动;搅拌;混合;离开;走开;以之字形航线抢风航行

throb v.有节奏地震动;有规律地颤动;抽搐;阵阵作痛

pulsate v.舒张及收缩;搏动;跳动;产生有规律的颤动感;令人激动不已

  • 众所周知,它们会到门和高柜上。

    They are known to jump on top of doors and high cabinets.

  • 他们的"狮子"着把年赶走了。

    Their "lion" danced, jumped and chased Nian away.

  • 哦,他的时候摔了一跤,伤了膝盖。

    Oh, he fell and hurt his knee when he was jumping.

  • 小西蒙在镜头前得多美啊!

    How beautifully little Simon dances in front of the camera!

  • 然而,一些邻居对广场舞的人有不满。

    However, some neighbours have a complaint (抱怨) against the people who do square dancing.

  • 就在孩子摔倒之前,那人起来抓住了他。

    The man jumped up and grabbed the child just before he fell out.

  • 坐在桌旁的女人看到我的疯狂,同情地了起来。

    The woman sitting at the desk, seeing my madness, sympathetically jumped up.

  • 我在滑板的孩子们中间穿梭,找到了通往横梁的路。

    Weaving among the kids who rushed by on their boards, I found my way to the beam.

  • 每天早上,他带领700名小学生在操场上曳步舞。

    Every morning, he leads 700 pupils to do the "ghost shuffle" routine on the playground.

  • 第二幕往前了20年,最后一幕发生在1948年。

    The second act jumps forward 20 years and the final/last/third act takes place in 1948.


jump; leap; bound; skip; hop; spring

  • 小偷跳窗逃走。

    The thief leapt/jumped through the window and escaped. / The thief escaped through the window.

  • 小女孩从椅子上跳起来迎接父亲。

    The little girl sprang/bounced out of the chair to greet her father.

  • 我拍他肩膀时,他吓了一跳。

    He gave a jump/start when I tapped him on the shoulder.

  • 她一蹦一跳就没影了。

    With a hop and skip, she was gone.

  • 他一下跳过了篱笆。

    He went over the fence in one jump. / In one bound, he jumped the fence.

  • 他能跳跳两米。

    He can jump two metres.

  • 砰的一声巨响把我吓了一跳。

    The loud bang made me jump.

  • 那只小鸟一跳一跳地穿过草坪。

    The bird crossed the lawn in a series of hops.

  • 妹妹连蹦带跳地跑进来。

    My little sister came bouncing in.

  • 孩子们想到多一天假日,高兴地直跳。

    The children are jumping for/with joy at the thought of an extra day's holiday.

  • 从墙上跳下

    jump off the wall

  • 跳上跳下

    jump/skip up and down

  • 跳来跳去

    leap/skip/hop about

  • 向前/后跳

    jump/leap forward/backward

  • 跳下床

    jump/spring out of bed

  • 跳上台阶

    jump/leap/bound up the stairs

  • 跳上车

    jump into a car; jump onto a bus

  • 跳起身来

    jump/spring to one's feet

  • 跳起来

    jump/leap into the air

  • 跳进游泳池

    dive/jump into the swimming pool

  • 跳过壕沟

    leap/hop a ditch

  • 跳过墙/篱笆

    jump/leap/spring over a wall/fence

  • 跳到地上

    jump onto the ground

  • 跳出来

    leap/spring out



  • 新皮球跳得高。

    A new ball bounces high.

  • 手榴弹在地上跳了两下后爆炸了。

    The grenade bounced twice and exploded.


move up and down; beat; throb; pulsate

  • 我眼皮直跳。

    My eyes kept twitching.

  • 她吓得心怦怦直跳。

    Her heart thumped/bounded with fear.

  • 比赛后他的心跳得很快。

    His heart beat fast after the match.


skip (over); jump; make omissions

  • 我喜欢跳着看书,只看我感兴趣的部分。

    I like to skip through a book, reading only the parts which interest me.

  • 她跳过了书中很多章节。

    She skipped (over)/jumped quite a few chapters in the book.

  • 那电影从二十年代发生的事突然跳到三十年代。

    The movie suddenly jumped from the events of the 1920s to those of the 1930s.

  • 从一个话题跳到另一个话题

    jump/leap/skip from one topic/subject to another

  • 跳至第三章

    skip over to Chapter 3

  • 跳过两页

    skip two pages



垄断企业 ["monopolistic corporation; monopoly enterprise"]






发人深思的问题 ["thought-stimulating question"]


uk ["联合王国;英国"]