时间: 2024-03-19 06:10:53

It's like spring all the year round.

  • 这里物产丰富,山水秀丽,四季如春,真是天造地设的好地方。

    This is a really good place, with rich natural resources, beautiful scenery and spring-like climate all the year round.

  • 但愿我的家乡四季如春.

    I wish it were spring in my hometown all year around.

  • 气候温和, 四季如春

    Mild climate, year-round spring.

  • 昆明四季如春.

    It is spring in Kunming all the year round.

  • 我们这儿四季如春.

    We have four seasons of spring.

  • 四季如春,在领略四季风光的同时,更能体验球道本身的特殊魅力。

    You can experience the special charm of fairway by appreciating the different landscape of four seasons.

  • 但愿我的家乡四季如春。 (只是愿望,实际根本不可能实现。)

    I wish it were spring in my hometown all the year around.

  • 为了成材,松树从不向四季如春的温室外献殷勤。

    In order to pine timber, never to the four seasons such as spring greenhouse gallantry.

  • 由于受季风影响,夏威夷一年四季如春,春夏秋冬,白天黑夜,温差很小。

    Hawaii enjoys a mild climate year-round because of the season winds, the temperature varies little from day to night and from summer to winter.

  • 你想体验纽约大都会的生活节拍还是对加州四季如春的天气更感爱好?

    Do you want to explore the city life of a school in NewYork, or are you more interested in the yearlong warm weather at a Californiacampus?
