a small vessel for travelling over water, propelled by oars, sails, or an engine
a fishing boat 渔船
[as modifier]
a boat trip .乘船旅行。
a vessel of any size, especially a large one carrying passengers
a gravy boat or sauce boat
travel or go in a boat for pleasure
they boated through fjords. 他们乘船驶过峡湾。
[with obj. and adverbial of direction]transport (someone or something) in a boat
they boated the timber down the lake. 他们用船沿着湖运送木料。
[with obj.](of an angler)draw (a hooked fish) into a boat
be in the same boat informal be in the same unfortunate or difficult circumstances as others 〈非正式〉 在同一条船上,患难与共 -
off the boat informal, often offensive recently arrived from a foreign country, and by implication naive or an outsider 〈非正式,常冒犯〉 刚从外国来的,初来乍到的,人地生疏的,不懂异国风俗习惯的,无在异国生活经验的What are you, fresh off the boat? 你是什么人,初来乍到吧?push the boat out Brit. informal be lavish in one's spending or celebrations 〈英, 非正式〉 挥霍,铺张,讲排场 -
rock the boat informal say or do something to disturb an existing situation and upset other people 〈非正式〉 搅局,捣乱
"Old English