a primitive jawless marine vertebrate distantly related to the lampreys, with a slimy eel-like body, a slit-like mouth surrounded by barbels, and a rasping tongue used for feeding on dead or dying fish
"early 17th cent.: from
n. 盲鳗
Hagfish have a mesonephric kidney and are often neotenic of their pronephric kidney.
They're kind of like eels or hagfish or lampreys, but different.
体延长呈圆柱状,体後方侧扁。眼退化为皮肤所覆盖。无上下颌。口腔外缘具四对须;口腔外侧左右各有两列齿,其内列齿之2-3颗齿之基部愈合,齿列式(6-8)+3/2+(6-7)。鳃孔每侧6个,彼此间距小,聚集成群而呈不规则分布,左侧最後一个大于其馀鳃孔。体侧各有一列黏液孔,可依位置区分为鳃前区、鳃区、鳃肛区及肛後区等四区,本种鱼之鳃区不具黏液孔,故黏液孔数分别为(16-19)+0+(36-42)+(6-9),总数为62-67。无鳞。肛门位于体後端。无背、臀、胸及腹鳍,仅有尾鳍。体色呈灰褐色,背部中央无白带。本种为1975年由沈世杰教授等发表于台湾的新种。Quadratus taiwanae 为其同种异名。
a primitive jawless marine vertebrate distantly related to the lampreys, with a slimy eel-like body, a slit-like mouth surrounded by barbels, and a rasping tongue used for feeding on dead or dying fish
"early 17th cent.: from