a man who is not and has never been married
one of the country's most eligible bachelors .全国最合适(作结婚对象)的单身汉之一。
【动】 尚未交配的雄鸟(或雄兽)(尤指因有独霸一方的雄性鸟兽而无机会交配)。
a person who holds a first degree from a university or other academic institution (only in titles or set expressions)
a Bachelor of Arts .文学士。
〈史〉(为其他爵士效命的年轻)最低级爵士。参见<Bold>KNIGHT BACHELOR</Bold>.[ORIGIN: said to be from French <Italic>bas chevalier</Italic>, literally ‘low knight' (i.e. knight of a low order).]
"Middle English: from Old French