时间: 2023-08-06 06:40:08
英 [ˈseɪvjə]
美 [seɪvjər]

n. 救助者;挽救者;救星;救世主

  • Christianity believes that Jesus is the Son of God and the Savior who was born to save the world.


  • He is described as the savior of the times.


  • The industrialized farming equipment is the savior of this village.


  • After all he was your savior.


  • Jesus is the Savior (Deliverer).


  • We must admit, "I need a Savior."


  • For you are God my savior.


  • Exalted be God my Savior!



词根 saved

  • saved adj. 获救的;已保存的 v. 保护(save的过去分词);救助

  • saver n. 救助者;节俭的人;节约装置

  • saviour n. 救世主;救星;救助者


这首单曲来自硬核朋克乐队Rise Against 的第五张专辑《Appeal to Reason》,该专辑在Billboard 200最高排行第三。这首单曲非常强悍,连续50多周,至今仍留在Billboard Rock Songs榜上。\n以下是歌词:\n[ti:Savior]\n[ar:Rise Against]\n[al:Appeal To Reason]\n[by:王道夫]\n[00:-04.00]Rise Against - Savior\n[00:-01.00]\n[00:00.59]it kills me not to know this but I've all but just forgotten\n[00:04.74]what the color of her eyes were and her scars or how she got them\n[00:10.32]as the telling signs of age rain down a single tear is dropping\n[00:15.28]through the valleys of an aging face that this world has forgotten\n[00:23.05]\n[00:38.43]there is no reconciliation that will put me in my place\n[00:43.43]and there is no time like the present to drink these draining seconds\n[00:47.62]but seldom do these words ring true when I'm constantly failing you\n[00:51.79]like walls that we just can't break through until we disappear\n[00:56.41]so tell me now\n[00:58.33]if this ain't love then how do we get out?\n[01:01.38]because I don't know\n[01:03.60]that's when she said I don't hate you boy\n[01:06.35]I just want to save you while there's still something left to save\n[01:10.50]that's when I told her I love you girl\n[01:15.22]but I'm not the answer to the questions that you still have\n[01:21.24]\n[01:29.47]but the day pressed on like crushing weights\n[01:32.83]for no man does it ever wait\n[01:34.76]like memories of dying days\n[01:36.48]that deafen us like hurricanes\n[01:39.31]bathed in flames we held the brand\n[01:41.44]uncurled the fingers in your hand\n[01:43.48]pressed into the flesh like sand\n[01:45.73]now do you understand?\n[01:47.68]so tell me now\n[01:49.10]if this ain't love then how do we get out?\n[01:52.69]because I don't know\n[01:54.99]that' s when she said I don't hate you boy\n[01:56.79]I just want to save you while there's still something left to save\n[02:02.32]that's when I told her I love you girl\n[02:05.15]but I'm not the answer to the questions that you still have\n[02:11.19]\n[02:27.23]one thousand miles away\n[02:29.98]there's nothing left to say\n[02:31.98]but so much left that I don't know\n[02:35.48]we never had a choice\n[02:38.48]this world is too much noise\n[02:40.69]it takes me under\n[02:42.33]it takes me under once again\n[02:46.67]\n[02:55.25]I don't hate you\n[03:01.72]I don't hate you,no\n[03:08.12]so tell me now\n[03:11.52]if this ain't love then how do we get out?\n[03:16.91]because I don't know\n[03:19.48]that's when she said I don't hate you boy\n[03:22.59]I just want to save you while there's still something left to save\n[03:26.90]that's when I told her I love you girl\n[03:30.42]but I'm not the answer to the questions that you still have\n[03:37.77]I don't hate you\n[03:42.17]I don't hate you,no\n[03:54.72]

韩国著名星际手\n马在允\n曾经所属战队:CJ\n他是一个bug般的存在\这是韩国解说的原话.\n在SAⅥOR出来前,星际中人族的高手最多,T对Z的胜率都很高\nBoxer,NaDa,IloveOOv等都是不可一世的T高手.以杀虫剂著称.\n当时ZvP还好,ZvT基本靠压制,就是JulyZerg的血腥暴力流,不是你死就是我亡.一旦人族压出来场面就一边倒.\n然后-马在允出现了,当时他叫IPXZerg,后来改名SAⅥOR(救世主).\n相对韩国职业选手们动辄300-400的APM(每时间内鼠标键盘操作数),小马的手速只有可怜的150-200.也就是对手操作2次,小马才能操作一次.但是救世主就是救世主,对于虫族玩家来说一种全新的战术体系出现了,不求飞快的操作,不求一击致命,不求绝对主动,以经济和科技的 大局观拖延到自己科技成型,兵力优势,这就是IPX\ 拖把流\,被誉为Z在星际史上的革命.用200的APM.打败600APM的对手,给大家展示了,特别是很多非职业玩家知道了,原来星际也可以这样打,对提高Z的整体水平做出了杰出贡献.\n接着2年内,SAⅥOR打败了当时所有高手,在联赛中的综合胜率达到了恐怖的73%,而这个数字是建立在他ZvZ只有57%胜率上的,也就是说他ZvT,ZvP的胜率都在80%左右.特别是ZvT是一个以前不可能想象的结果.\n他几次击败Boxer,十几连胜OOV,在输给BISU前没有在正式比赛中输过NADA.他占据韩国星际排行榜第一位差不多1年半的时间,得到了3个MSL冠军和一个OSL冠军.在那段时间里,只要不是ZvZ,IPX可以说人挡杀人,神挡杀神,大家用\马本座\来称呼他.\n同时IPX是唯一的,完美的意识和大局观,不快但是精准的操作,让他获得一个个冠军的同时也让人发现他的独特,大部分Z都想复制他的战术,但做得都不够好,大部分Z玩家都觉得对Z不利的地图,他的胜率其高;大部分Z玩家都觉得对Z有利的地图,他却胜率平平.IPX后来虽然败给BISU后走下坡路了,但是,大家都知道,当时有个Z颠覆了传统,是唯一的马本座:救世主SAⅥOR.\n2010年5月,马本座及其他8名星际职业选手因涉嫌参与假赛而遭到调查,马本随后被战队除名并将遭到刑事指控,一代本座以不光彩的方式离开了自己的舞台。


US spelling of SAVIOUR.

〈美〉   同<Bold>SAVIOUR</Bold>.

  • We, as a population on this planet, have been looking for a savior.


    《Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice》《蝙蝠侠大战超人:正义黎明》

  • Your men of God retreat, this boy advances. It says very little for your savior.


    《Marco Polo Season 1》《马可波罗 第一季》

  • And when this savior character actually comes to earth, we want to make him abide by our rules?


    《Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice》《蝙蝠侠大战超人:正义黎明》

  • Actually, I do. My mother is pushing for my brother, Georgie, to be my best man, and I hate to disappoint her again. I already rejected her savior and her LinkedIn invitation.


    《The Big Bang Theory Season 11》《生活大爆炸 第十一季》


late fees nphr. 逾期费用

findi 芬迪

to match 相配

ambient pressure 环境压力;周围压力;环境气压

live rough 无家可归;露宿街头

grow into 成长为;长大到适合穿

angel hair n. “天使之发”面条

leak information 泄露消息;泄露风声

godown n. 仓库

huffs v. 喷气;吹气;深呼吸;发怒;嗅(汽油;溶剂)作为兴奋剂;取掉;(huff的第三人称单数)