I have loved you since as long as I can remember, Shortie.
The legend says that he became blind, and he has been known ever since as Peeping Tom.
I speak very poor Hungarian, but barely had a chance to practice it, since as soon as my interlocutor found I was a foreigner they would switch to German or English.
A similar solution needs to be implemented for the Felix-specific implementation; since as yet, there's no standard for OSGi command shells.
还需要针对Felix特定实现采用类似解决方案;因为到目前为止,OSGi command shell还没有标准。
I suppose philosophers may meet with a similar reaction. Still, they're in a better position, since as often as not they can embellish their calling with some kind of scholarly title.
But it has surged back since as rising incomes allow more consumers to indulge in foods that were once considered delicacies for the very rich.