Ned (1855—80), Australian outlaw; full name
Gene (1912—96), American dancer and choreographer; full name
凯利,吉恩(1912—1996,美国舞蹈家、舞蹈编导;全名尤今·卡伦·凯利,他出演并编导了多部音乐片,包括《一个美国人在巴黎》[1951] 和《雨中曲》[1952] )。
Grace (Patricia) (1928—82), American film actress; also called (from 1956)
凯利,格雷斯(·帕特里夏)(1928—1982,美国女电影演员;1956年起亦称“摩纳哥的格雷斯王妃”,在1956年退出银幕与摩纳哥王子雷尼尔三世结婚之前,她主演了《正午》[1952] 并参演了三部希区柯克电影,包括《后窗》[1954] ,死于车祸)。
Petra (Karin) (1947—92), German political leader. In 1979 she co-founded the German Green Party, becoming the Party's leading spokesperson and, in 1983, one of seventeen Green Party members of the West German Parliament. The cause of her death remains a subject of controversy.