How about coming out with us Wednesday night?
Now they are coming out with wine coolers; they are making money.
The Luxembourg - based company is coming out with ambiguous statements.
Apple was coming out with an iPod that would play video as well as music.
Every time you turn around, someone is coming out with a new and improved diet.
Before he had finished praying silently he saw Rebecca coming out with her water-jug on her shoulder.
To most of us this might sound like no big deal akin to Apple coming out with a faster smartphone than Microsoft.
There are some high-megapixel cameras coming out with lower price tags than most, but they usually have very few features.
Programs are continually learning their vulnerabilities and the engineers who wrote them are coming out with updates to help with their security.
Augie: That was the original plan, but since McQ Corp. is coming out with its own line of phones soon, we wanted to get a jump on them.
奥吉:那不是原来的计划,但由于 McQ 公司很快就要推出自己的手机,所以我们想要抢占先机。