The paper presents Stackelberg games for the systems with coupling control variable.
It illustrated that it was difficult to turn cooperation into fact in a simple game and Stackelberg model was close to the fact.
Introduces two kinds of Cournot models under complete and incomplete information of game theory, and its extension Stackelberg model.
Under the worst demand scenarios of B2B e-markets, the strategies of stackelberg game in which seller is the leader and buyer is follower are studied.
The Bertrand-Stackelberg equilibrium profit, which is not stable in the multi-round model, will eventually come close to Bertrand-Nash equilibrium profit.
斯塔克伯格生于莫斯科,一个Baltic-German贵族家庭。一战后全家飞往德国,斯塔克伯格进入科隆大学学习数学和经济学。1941年,斯塔克伯格成为波恩大学的经济学教授。1944年Stackelberg离开德国前往西班牙,在马德里做访问学者,因淋巴瘤于1946年在马德里去世。他的主要著作 \Marktform und Gleichgewicht\ (1934年出版),在其身后才得到认可,书中阐述了斯塔克伯格著名的双寡头模型(duopoly models)。当时的纳粹德国实施的是反竞争的经济政策,所以没人对竞争理论感兴趣。