时间: 2023-06-12 09:14:46
英 ['trʌstə]
美 ['trʌstə]

n. 信托人

  • The problem for the low truster is that without trusting strangers a little, it's very hard to take social risks.


  • HAMLET I would not hear your enemy say so, nor shall you do mine ear that violence, to make it truster of your own report against yourself.


  • Where the third party fails to fulfill the contracted obligations and causes thus losses to the truster, the broker shall be liable therefor, unless the broker and the truster stipulate otherwise.


  • If the truster fails to pay remuneration as scheduled, the broker shall enjoy the right of lien on the commissioned articles, unless the parties stipulate otherwise.


  • If a broker sells at a price higher than the price set by the truster or buys at a price lower than the price set by the truster, remuneration may be increased as contracted.


  • Despite the conditions stipulated in the preceding paragraph, the broker may still ask the truster to pay remuneration.


  • Chinese ancient brain truster system enlightens us at four aspects. First, we can draw lessens from the history experience, strengthen the construction of the brain truster system.


  • Second, the brain truster has the double task with the plot and execution.


  • It should be directed by the soft science to set up the talent group, carry out the brain truster participating in policy decision, develop t.


  • It is found that the incentive to truster and the punishment to trustee by changing the matrix of payoffs are two keys.


  • Article 426 If the middleman contributes to the making of a contract, the truster shall pay remuneration as contracted.


  • Article 422 Where the broker has accomplished the commissioned affairs in full or in part, the truster shall pay remuneration accordingly.


  • Article 414 A brokerage contract is a contract whereby the broker in its own name engages in trade activities for the truster and the truster pays remuneration therefor.


  • If the increase is not stipulated or is not clearly stipulated, nor can it be determined pursuant to the provisions of Article 61 of this Law, the benefits involved shall belong to the truster.


  • Article 420 If the broker buys a commissioned article pursuant to the contract, the truster shall accept the article in a timely manner.



词根 trust

  • trusting adj. 信任的;轻信的 v. 信赖(trust的ing形式)

  • trustful adj. 信任的(等于trusting);相信的

  • trusty adj. 可靠的;可信任的 n. 模范囚犯;可信赖的人

  • trustfully adv. 深信不疑地;信任地

  • trustingly adv. 相信地

  • trust n. 信任,信赖;责任;托拉斯 vi. 信任,信赖;依靠 vt. 信任,信赖;盼望;赊卖给

  • trustee n. 受托人;托管人 vt. 移交(财产或管理权)给受托人

  • trusteeship n. 托管;托管制度;托管人职责;托管领土

  • trustfulness n. 信赖;相信

  • trustiness n. 诚实,忠实;可信赖


mcw abbr. 已调制连续波(Modulated Continuous Waves)

a pig in a poke 瞎买的东西;盲目接受的东西

faint light 微弱的光

tracklayer n. 履带式拖拉机

melted vi. 熔化;溶解。vt. 使融化;使熔化;(melt的过去式和过去分词)。adj. 溶解的;融化的;消失的

in the power of 在…的控制下;受…支配

nikolai n. 尼古拉

hinoki n. 日本扁柏木;日本扁柏

catering service 餐饮服务;宴会服务;饮食服务

public office 公职