The explorers endured without flinching the rigours of an arctic winter.
Many are deterred from trying to convert by the rigours of the rabbinical courts.
But the Liverpool captain insists he will have to become 'crazy' to adapt to the rigours of life as a football boss.
The shock absorbers are big bore versions that are said to have been heavily beefed up to resist the rigours of off road racing.
After signing in the summer of 2000 he had slowly adapted to the rigours of the English game to become graceful and incisive in equal measure.
I inferred that just those general rigours rendered any assembly offering the attraction of two gentlemen from New York worth a desperate effort.
TCM, in turn, might learn from the rigours of the scientific method, developed in the west in the 17th century as a means of dispelling superstition.
Many of them knew of young families who had left the country altogether to settle abroad rather than put an only child through the rigours of their own system.
This book is designed to help the reader prepare for the actual daily rigours of hospital life and is an essential guide for surviving the first years as a junior doctor.