〈旧〉 (用碱式碳酸铜制成的)中度蓝色(或蓝绿色)颜料。
"Middle English (originally in the sense ‘dark or brownish grey’): from Old French
n. 中度蓝色…颜料
Far as the eye extends, all are becoming golden from bice in the prostemmatic cornfield.
Bice Bistro: Before calling Mexico City home, Bice Bistro was a fixture in Milan dating back to the 1920s.
Felt from their bice eyes and slient staring are their underlying sprituality tender nature and kind disposition.
Offering Italian dishes-including fresh salads, pastas, and expertly prepared meats-bice Bistro also serves gourmet wood-fired pizza and warm, homemade bread.
The American Idol star already has career plans for 5-month-old Aiden (with wife Caroline, 25)."I've told him, 'Go be a doctor.Don't be an attorney, don't be a musician,' " says Bice.
来岛优子,日本的创作型女歌手,艺名为BICE。也是很有才华的女作词家,曾为徐若瑄提供过歌曲。 重要作品为日本超人气动画《轻音少女》中的一首活泼而有力的插曲《米饭是配菜》(曾获日本公信榜第三名),但在创作词曲后不久便不幸病逝,年仅38岁。
〈旧〉 (用碱式碳酸铜制成的)中度蓝色(或蓝绿色)颜料。
"Middle English (originally in the sense ‘dark or brownish grey’): from Old French