The best way to de-fuzz a sweater: use a pumice stone.
If you suffer from these problems you can file them down with a pumice stone.
The frames and slabs are filled with pumice stone which is enclosed by plywood sheets after pipework has been installed.
According to Gerard Kuiper, of the University of Chicago, the escape of gases from the moon's magma may have given the satellite a light, porous consistency, like that of a pumice stone.
芝加哥大学的Gerard Kuiper则提出,可能是月亮上岩浆气体的逃逸赋予了这颗星球轻飘多孔的硬度,就好象浮石那样。
Cancellous stone: water stone, flower, pumice, coral rock, etc.
浮石指火山喷发后岩浆冷却后形成的一种矿物质,主要成分是二氧化硅,质地软,比重小能浮于水面,故称浮石,又叫江沫石(因形得名)。 浮石也是指巷道和采矿工作面的顶板已产生裂隙、尚未脱离岩体或矿体,但有脱落危险的岩块或矿石块。一旦发现浮石,需立即用人工方法将其撬下,以免对设备和作业人员造成伤害。