The company throws off a ton of cash.
The writer throws off forty pages in a night.
The writer throws off forty pages in a night .
In hot weather, this plastic cover throws off an uunpleasant odour.
在热天, 这塑料套子发出一股怪味.
Much more violent supernova explosions, in which a star collapses, then throws off most of its matter.
It throws off your judgement and soon you're overwhelmed with just wanting to be with that person again.
If a large unexpected expense throws off your budget, consider taking on part-time work or odd jobs like babysitting until you're caught up.
Pacemaker syndrome. This uncommon condition occurs when a pacemaker throws off the careful coordination between the beating of the upper and lower chambers of the heart.
Reprogramming your sleep rhythms for two days doesn’t do much to help you erase sleep debt, and it throws off your sleepwake cycles just in time for a bad case of Sunday-night insomnia.