clean or dry (something) by rubbing its surface with a cloth, a piece of paper, or one's hand
Paulie wiped his face with a handkerchief 鲍利用手帕擦了擦脸
he wiped down the kitchen wall. 他把厨房里的墙壁上上下下擦了个干净。
[with obj. and adverbial]remove (dirt or moisture) from something by rubbing its surface with a cloth, a piece of paper, or one's hand
she wiped away a tear .她擦去了一滴泪水。
clean (something) by rubbing it against a surface
the man wiped his hands on his hips. 这位男子在裤子后面蹭了蹭,把手擦干净。
[with obj. and adverbial]spread (a liquid) over a surface by rubbing
gently wipe the lotion over the eyelids. 轻柔地把药液抹在眼睑上。
[with obj. and adverbial]
〈喻〉 彻底去除(或消灭)(某物)
things have happened to wipe the smile off Kate's face. 有些事情发生了,凯特脸上笑容顿失。
erase (data) from a magnetic medium
pass (a swipe card) over the electronic device that reads it
pass (a light pen) over a bar code
〈澳/ 新西兰,非正式〉 拒绝(某人,观点);解雇(某人);不理会(某观点)
you can wipe that idea, if that's what you're thinking. 你可以拒绝那个意见,如果你想那样的话。
an act of wiping
a piece of disposable absorbent cloth, especially one treated with a cleansing agent, for wiping something clean
a cinematographic effect in which an existing picture seems to be wiped out by a new one as the boundary between them moves across the screen
wipe someone's eye Brit. informal, dated get the better of someone〈英,非正式,旧〉 胜过某人 -
wipe the floor with informal inflict a humiliating defeat on〈非正式〉 使遭受耻辱性失败they wiped the floor with us in a 3-0 win. 他们3比0大败我方 -
wipe the slate clean forgive or forget past faults or offences; make a fresh start 原谅过去的错误;忘却以往的冒犯;重新开始
wipe something off subtract an amount from a value or debt 扣除价值额(或债务额)the crash wiped 24 per cent off stock prices . 这次崩盘使股价跌了24% -
wipe out informal be capsized by a wave while surfing 〈非 正式〉 (冲浪时)被浪打翻 -
N. Amer. fall over or off a vehicle 〈北美〉 (从车辆上)跌下 -
wipe someone out 1 kill a large number of people 杀死大批人the plague had wiped out whole villages. 瘟疫夺去了一个个村庄所有人的生命 -
2 (一般作be wiped out ) ruin someone financially 在财务上毁掉某人 -
3 informal exhaust or intoxicate someone 〈非正式〉 使某人筋疲力尽;使喝醉 -
wipe something out eliminate something completely 彻底消灭某物their life savings were wiped out. 他们一生的积蓄全没了
"Old English