a computer or software capable of performing rapid calculations with large amounts of data
〈常贬〉 统计员;会计师;工作中需处理大量数字资料的人。
n. 计算机;统计员;会计师;工作中需处理大量数字资料的人
LL: A number cruncher is someone who is good with numbers, like an accountant.
咀嚼数字...? 噢,我知道了,a number cruncher就是会摆弄数字的人,也就是象会计那样会算帐的人。
She may not look like a number cruncher but shes with a big firm of accountants.
Originally developed as a number cruncher, the computer assumed a new personality when it was given graphics and sound capabilities.
The GAUSS System can be described several ways: It is an exceptionally efficient number cruncher, a comprehensive programming language, and an interactive analysis environment.
The Congressional Budget Office, a non-partisan number-cruncher, reckons about two-thirds of the package could be pumped into the economy within 19 months. That should help soften the recession.
a computer or software capable of performing rapid calculations with large amounts of data
〈常贬〉 统计员;会计师;工作中需处理大量数字资料的人。