To all of them we pay tribute on the occasion of the 2010 World Meteorological Day.
Thee world meteorological day is a day, the world meteorological organization on March 23, time of the year.
Weather, climate and the air we breathe, the theme of World Meteorological Day this year, reminds us of the close relationship between them.
The relationship between climate, weather, air quality and health is the theme of this year's World Meteorological Day, which is observed Monday.
March 23, 2002 is the 42nd World Meteorological Day (WMD), and "Reducing Vulnerability to Weather and Climate Extremes' has been chosen as the theme."
Of "the world meteorological day" every year to determine a theme, requires each member celebrations on this day, and the extensive publicity of the important role of meteorological work.
世界气象日(World Meteorological Day),又称“国际气象日”,是世界气象组织成立的纪念日, 开展世界气象日活动的主要目的是让各国人民了解和支持世界气象组织的活动,唤起人们对气象工作的重视和热爱,推广气象学在航空、航海、水利、农业和人类其他活动方面的应用。 1960年6月,世界气象组织通过决议,从1961年起将公约生效日,即3月23日定为\世界气象日\。每年的“世界气象日”都确定一个主题, 要求各国成员在这一天举行庆祝活动,并广泛宣传气象工作的重要作用。 2024年3月5日,2024年世界气象日的主题发布:“气候行动最前线”。 国际气象组织原为非官方性国际气象合作机构,在其各成员国代表签订的世界气象组织公约生效一周年之日, 即1951年3月23日,改组为世界气象组织(World Meteorological Organization,WMO), 成为政府间的国际气象合作机构,并与联合国建立关系。