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The word comes from the latin word mors – which means death or killing off.
Tardos Mors met with the soldier and reported that every creature on the planet had but three days to live.
It is, in fact, Salvador Dalí’s “In Voluptas Mors”, a picture of seven naked women made to look like a human skull.
事实上,那是超现实主义绘画大师萨尔瓦多·达利的作品“In Voluptas Mors”-幅由7个裸女组成的骷髅头画作。
Mors是拉丁文死亡的意思.在拉丁文中,也有死神之意。 Amors or Mors是爱或死的意思但不是代表没有爱就死,而是你爱的人不爱你,自己等待她很久,极度伤心和失望.因为他是真的爱她,愿意爱她一辈子.) 出自典故.可以看梁文道的一篇博文.