a large town
[as modifier]
the city centre .市中心。
〈英〉 特别市(宪章规定升级为市的镇,拥有大教堂)。
〈北美〉 (国家或省确立的)直辖市;自治市。
[with modifier]
〈非正式〉 带有某种特性的地点(或局面)
the staff were in turmoil — it was panic city. 员工们处于骚动之中——一片惊恐的场面。
<Bold>CITY OF</Bold> <Bold>LONDON</Bold>的简称。
the financial and commercial institutions located in this part of London
the Budget got a stony reception from the City 预算遭受伦敦金融、商业区的冷遇
[as modifier]
a City analyst .伦敦金融、商业区分析师。
"Middle English: from Old French