(state that one has reached)a point beyond which one will not go
In allowing Lehman to go bust when competitors balked at taking it on, Hank Paulson, the treasury secretary, attempted to draw a line in the sand.
Success would demonstrably draw a line in the sand to deter other Arab autocrats who resort to attacking their people rather than dialogue and genuine reforms.
But this complacency misses two important facts about the situation: the extremism of the modern G.O.P., and the urgent need for President Obama to draw a line in the sand against further extortion.
You must draw a line in the sand and confess that you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired, before you will be able to go forward.
Draw a line in the sand and declare a date in the near future: "Starting next Thursday, our code coverage will always rise."
(state that one has reached)a point beyond which one will not go