a small long-billed wading bird which has brown plumage with bold and colourful markings
n. 彩鹬
Pheasant - tailed jacana and painted snipe found at mai Po, work to improve water quality in the waterfowl collection, earth moving works at gei wai 16 17,..
水雉及彩鹬在米埔保护区出现改善水禽饲养池水质的工程基围16 17的推土工程。
Pheasant - tailed jacana and painted snipe found at mai Po, work to improve water quality in the waterfowl collection, earth moving works at gei wai 16 17,...
水雉及彩鹬在米埔保护区出现改善水禽饲养池水质的工程基围16 17的推土工程。
彩鹬(拉丁学名:Rostratula benghalensis,英文名:Painted Snipe),鸻形目彩鹬科动物。被列入中国国家林业局发布的《国家保护的有益的或者有重要经济、科学研究价值的陆生野生动物名录》。 彩鹬雌鸟的头、颈和胸栗色,喉部渲染棕红色。前额至头顶中央有一条黄色的冠形条纹。飞羽灰绿色,具黑褐色细纹。肩羽内翈褐色。雄鸟的羽色缺少光泽,通体的褐色较淡,喉和前颈灰白色。翼上多淡黄色或灰褐色羽缘。幼鸟羽色与雄鸟极其相似,但嘴和腿的颜色较暗,淡色的眼眶模糊。栖息于水草茂密的沼泽、池塘、稻田、河滩草丛和灌丛,以昆虫、软体动物、蚯蚓和植物等为食。分布于大洋洲,非洲和亚洲南部。 全世界分化出2个亚种。
a small long-billed wading bird which has brown plumage with bold and colourful markings