This paper gives the appreciation from a pure poetic aspect for a Psalm of Life, written by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
In the history Longfellow is the first American poet to be introduced from the west to China, whose "a Psalm of Life" is the first English poem translated into Chinese.
David continues, "Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed" (Psalm 139:16 NLT).
大卫继续说:“诗139:16 我未成形的体质,你的眼早已看见了;你所定的日子,我尚未度一日(或作“我被造的肢体尚未有其一”),你都写在你的册上了。”
At last, my life will also become a symbol, a Psalm of Love that will never fade away.
Moses, who wrote this psalm, dedicated his life to the nation of Israel as a service to God, and God has established his work to this day.