not ready
时间: 2023-09-23 22:54:21


  • The phrase "sucker punch" originally comes from boxing. It means to hit someone when his guard is down or when he are not ready.

    “sucker punch” 这个短语最初来源于拳击。它的意思是当一个人失去警惕或没有准备好时,对他进行打击。

  • She says she's not ready for marriage.


  • No, I'm not ready at all.


  • I am not ready to lead the country.


  • I'm not ready.


  • He's not ready. He's not, or you're not?


    《Gossip Girl Season 1》《绯闻女孩 第一季》

  • Monica, we are not ready to have two babies.


    《Friends Season 10》《老友记 第十季》

  • I don't have more time. I need to learn it now. Sorry, you're not ready. Okay, pack everything. I am ready. Not quite.


    《Kung Fu Panda 3》《功夫熊猫3》

  • I would really like to get out of here, but maybe I'm not ready yet.

    我是很想离开这里... 或许我还没有准备好。

    《Gossip Girl Season 1》《绯闻女孩 第一季》

  • Sheldon, I'm not ready to have a baby. Oh, yes, you are! I track your cycle.


    《The Big Bang Theory Season 10》《生活大爆炸 第十季》

  • He said he doesn't want to go. But he's ready. No, he's not ready. I cannot home school him forever. Every year that we wait, it'll just be harder to start.



  • I just, I don't want us to jump into something, you know, that we're not ready for.


    《Friends Season 5》《老友记 第五季》

  • When the enemy first invaded, we were not ready. Millions of innocent lives were lost.


    《Enders Game》《安德的游戏》

  • Mummy's coming. Oh, no. We're not ready yet. Who is it? It's Mummy. Can I come in? No. No.


    《Peppa Pig Season 1》《小猪佩奇 第一季》

  • Mummy's coming. Oh, no. We're not ready yet. Who is it? It's Mummy. Can I come in? No. No.


    《Get fluent spoken English in 100 days》《100天养成流利口语》

  • No, Dad! Just because you're scared of the ocean. Clearly, you're not ready and you're not coming back until you are.


    《Finding Nemo》《海底总动员》

  • So I need to just shush that one up, it's not ready for 2 minutes, and look, my instant noodle soup is done.


    《Chinese Food Made Easy》《中餐速成》

  • No, no, no, she's nice but, you know, it just it made me realize that I'm just not ready to be dating, you know?


    《Friends Season 4》《老友记 第四季》

  • I know you're not ready, and I don't want you to say it just because social convention dictates. I love you, too.


    《The Big Bang Theory Season 8》《生活大爆炸 第八季》

  • Pedro Pony is outside, keeping guard. Here comes Madame Gazelle. Madame Gazelle is coming. We are not ready. Stop her, Pedro. OK.


    《Get fluent spoken English in 100 days》《100天养成流利口语》

  • Pedro Pony is outside, keeping guard. Here comes Madame Gazelle. Madame Gazelle is coming. We are not ready. Stop her, Pedro. OK.


    《Peppa Pig Season 4》《小猪佩奇 第四季》

  • You are all being very noisy. We can be quiet whenever we want. Start being quiet on the count of one, two... I am not ready. Okay, now.


    《Peppa Pig Season 3》《小猪佩奇 第三季》

  • All I wanted was to teach a child to read. The only children you should concern yourself, will be your own. I'm not ready to have children.


    《Beauty and the Beast》《美女与野兽》

  • Does he know you know? No. 'Cause, honestly, I'm not ready to deal with it. I would like to be a little less devastated, if that is possible.


    《The Intern》《实习生》

  • Only I know there is no way I'm gonna get there in time, so I am running, and running, and that, that is when I woke up. See I am so not ready to be a father.


    《Friends Season 1》《老友记第一季》


replacer n. 替代者;复原者;置换器;装卡工具

innocent victim 无辜受害者

institute n. 学会;协会;机构;注释;论述;概要。v. 实行;建立;设立;任命;授予…职位;开始

reston 赖斯顿

be applicable to 适用于;适应于;可应用于

point mutation n. 基因点突变

descender n. 下伸部分;下伸字母

make an issue of 小题大做;夸大其事

vua vua

plagiarizes 抄袭