Sometimes we will describe a robot task using language that gives a different interpretation to the robot world, with north as up, south down, and west and east being left and right, respectively.
Often showing up in their late teens or 20s, individuals with schizophrenia often have a different interpretation of what they believe to be reality.
People with schizophrenia have a different interpretation of reality than most of us– they experience hallucinations, delusions, and disruptions in typical thought processes.
The different interpretation of the functions of the register marks leads to the application of different translation strategies.
I think everyone would have a different interpretation of it.
We're the same thing if you see a different interpretation.
Thus, ritual has different interpretation in different contexts and has different interpretation in the same context.
Expository term papers are therefore different from many term papers which encourage the reader to present a specific argument or interpretation.
Intercultural communication involves different perceptions, attitude and interpretation.
跨文化交流涉及不同的认识, 态度和解释.
Three, different possible interpretation of invisible, can't be detected.