The content of questionnaire includes basic data, self-concept and idolization.
The idolization of celebrity also became a part of mainstream culture in cities.
The present study uses questionnaires to analyze the differences and correlations between idolization and self-evaluation of undergraduate students.
词根 idol
idolatrous adj. 盲目崇拜的;崇拜偶像的
idol n. 偶像,崇拜物;幻象;谬论
idolatry n. 偶像崇拜;盲目崇拜;邪神崇拜
idolater n. 偶像崇拜者;崇拜者;皈依者
idolatress n. 女性的偶像崇拜者
idolize vi. 崇拜偶像 vt. 极端崇拜;把...当偶像崇拜
idolise vi. 崇拜偶像(等于idolize) vt. 把…当偶像崇拜;偶像化