There is no jealousy or undercurrents which could become toxic.
Each period of turmoil was distinctive but was propelled by similar undercurrents.
There still exist turbulent, revolutionary undercurrents in this seemingly peaceful world.
在这个表面上和平的世界里, 骚动与动荡的潜流依然存在。
She would have a sense of the undercurrents that flowed beneath the deceptively calm surface.
This thrills the architects, who have artistic undercurrents that often struggle to find an outlet.
Once you adjust to its stop-and-start rhythms and its scruffy looks, you can appreciate its wit, its beauty and the sly gravity of its emotional undercurrents.
Too bad that an editor did not excise the self-pitying self-portrait that unconvincingly brings to an end the strange undercurrents of this unusual family memoir.