时间: 2023-10-01 18:52:04
英 [ˈɡaŋstə]
美 [ˈɡæŋstə]

n. 帮派成员;冈斯特音乐;冈斯特快板歌

  • You're so gangsta, I'm so thug, you're the only one I'm dreaming of.


  • You know, who better than me to get inside the world of gangsta rappers.


  • In fact, fans of gangsta rap or heavy metal are often more timid and shy than other kids, he says.

    Rentfrow的结果表明它们之间没有任何直接联系。 他说,实际上,匪徒说唱乐或者重金属乐常常比其他孩子们更胆小和害羞。

  • OW: There's a big number of extras in the game that unlock when you achieve certain goals and stats in the story mode, one of which only unlocks when you've capped 50 zombies "gangsta style."

    Omar Woodley:游戏中有大量的额外追加要素需要玩家在故事模式中完成某些特定目标后才能解锁,其中有一个是爆头50个僵尸将会解锁“黑帮风格”。



Gangsta - Kat Dahlia\nYou say you a gangsta that don’t impress me none\nYou say you a gangsta ain’t seen a thing you done\nI do it all on myself I ain’t getting help\nFrom no one from no one\nYeah I’m young 21 living in a crazy world\nBut I know the difference between a man and a herb\nYou frontin like you got it claim they hittin on your wallet\nGucci tellin you the time and you watch it\nNow I ain't stuntin like my daddy he’s livin with my grammie\nUsed to be a big baller he's survivin off of gamblin\nBut I love him he’s my daddy yeah I love him he’s my daddy\nPut him in a big house before I ever see a grammy\nAnd my mommy started working days at the church\nFinding faith in God 'cause the real world hurts\nSo much evil lurks they just make us work\nBut we can’t find work\nAbuella mommy and the girls in a one bedroom\nSouth beach lifestyle they just paying for the view\nMommy on the couch since she was 42\nSacrificing for the kids 'cause that’s what mommys do\nSo I smoke my spliff I spliff it hard\nCandy says to stop my voice is getting too harsh\nSo I sobered up and my thoughts they rush\nAnd now I think of you behind bars\nCross state lines they spliffin' good\nIn Miami you catch a charge\nAnd the whole family tears apart\nYou say you a gangsta that don’t impress me none\nYou say you a gangsta ain’t seen a thing you done\nI do it all on myself I ain’t getting help\nFrom no one from no one\nYou say you a gangsta that don’t impress me none\nYou say you a gangsta ain’t seen a thing you done\nI do it all on myself I ain’t getting help\nFrom no one from no one\nAnd this recession's so depressin\nMy parents don’t stop stressin\nJust hopin I learned all their lessons\nAnd I’m paying for this session\nI’m paying for this session\nAnd I’m paying rent food clothes phone christmas presents\n6 shots in I’m just countin all my blessings\nNo days off baby I ain’t restin\nI told my sins now I’m done confessin\nYou say you a gangsta but that don’t impress me none\nYou say you a gangsta ain’t seen a thing you done\nI do it all on myself I ain’t getting help\nFrom no one from no one\nYou say you a gangsta but that don’t impress me none\nYou say you a gangsta ain’t seen a thing you done\nI do it all on myself I ain’t getting help\nFrom no one from no one\nOn way to the top I make with what I got\nYou want my number baby I’m on a mission catch up\nMen sellin love like thieves\nBut when the girlie leaves he'll stop flirtin with me\nSo I took my heart off my sleeve\nNever trust a man 'cause they all hungry\nYeah they all hungry\nNever trust a man 'cause they all hungry\nRight when you thought you had me\nBaby you just lost someone\nFinally got over you baby time to move on\nNever learned your lesson ain’t even gonna question\nWhy it went so wrong\nRight when you thought you had me\nBaby you just lost someone\nFinally got over you baby time to move on\nNever learned your lesson ain’t even gonna question\nWhy it went so wrong\nSay you a gangsta that don’t impress me none\nYou say you a gangsta ain’t seen a thing you done


US black slang a gang member

〈美, 黑人俚语〉 帮派成员。

(亦作 gangsta rap)[mass noun]a type of rap music featuring aggressive macho lyrics, often with reference to gang warfare and gun battles



"1980s: alteration of GANGSTER."

  • I'm not asking for me, I'm asking for Hawking. Let me try gangsta: Hells naw.


    《The Big Bang Theory Season 5》《生活大爆炸 第五季》


uninsured adj. 未保过险的

claremont graduate university 克莱蒙研究大学

interop 互操作

ignores vt. 忽视;不顾;(ignore的第三人称单数)

front office n. 总部;主要管理部门

procrustes 普罗克汝斯忒斯

chandelier n. 枝形吊灯

ordinary share 普通股

ice creams 冰淇淋

kangaroos n. 袋鼠;(kangaroo的复数)