peel the skin off (a corpse or carcass)
one shoulder had been flayed to reveal the muscles 一只肩膀的皮肤已经剥开露出了肌肉
the captured general was flayed alive .被俘的将军被活剥了。
peel (the skin) off a corpse or carcass
she flayed the white skin from the flesh .她把肉上的白皮肤剥了下来。
whip or beat (someone) so harshly as to remove their skin
Matthew flayed them viciously with a branch .马修狠毒地用树枝抽得他们皮开肉绽。
〈喻〉 严厉批评;痛斥
he flayed the government for not moving fast enough on economic reform .他严厉谴责政府经济改革的步伐不够快。
〈喻〉 敲诈(某人);掠夺(某人)的钱财
plundering cities and temples and flaying the people with requisitions .洗劫城市、寺庙,并强行掠夺人们的财物。
"Old English