Three of the justices believed the government should never have gotten injunctions in the lower courts, and criticized the lower courts for condoning such an effort at prior restraint.
Keep in mind that forgiveness does not necessarily mean reconciliation with the person who upset you or condoning of his or her action.
Not punishing them amounts to condoning their crime.
Acceptance: This does not mean condoning or justifying certain feelings.
接纳: 这并不意谓原谅或认为某些感受是正当的。
If we complacently accept something, do nothing about it, is it as good as condoning it?
如果我们毫不质疑的接受一些错误的看法, 岂不等于纵容和助长这些观点?
We must proudly champion God's love toward the homosexual without condoning his or her behavior.