japanese black
时间: 2023-08-31 16:08:56
  • A Japanese pastry shop with Japanese black in silence.


  • By using Japanese black plastered wall to all the materials, details and all of the walls, we successfully abused the existence of the display case.


  • Patrolling in high heels, wigs and designer bags, Japanese black-belt policemen have been cross-dressing in a bid to beat off bag-snatchers, according to a report.


  • This is not the time to channel Angelina Jolie in a black silk mini dress as seen in a Japanese airport this week.


  • In one, an antique black-and-white television balances on the wall below a life-size poster of a pixilated Japanese warrior.


  • A wrasse cleans the skin of a wrought iron butterflyfish, whose black-and-white motif reminds Japanese of a samurai's kimono pattern.


  • The town which appeared was still a world of monotone. But light pink flowers, that elicit a feeling of excitement within all Japanese, appeared in the black and white world.


  • Japanese people tend to be short, have black hair, small mouth and small eyes.


  • And you thought it was over. WWD reports that Michelle Obama arrived at a morning service at the Washington National Cathedral in a black Tracy Feith dress with a Japanese-style floral print.

    是的,这个系列还没结束~据(WWD)《女性时装日报》报道,Michelle Obama 今天在华盛顿国家大教堂出席早间仪式时,身穿 黑色Tracy Feith裙子,上有日本风格的印花。

  • The black kokanee, or "kunimasu" in Japanese, was thought to have died out in 1940, when a hydroelectric project made its native lake in northern Akita Prefecture more acidic.


  • HRP-4C was designed to look like an average Japanese woman, although its silver-and-black body recalls a space suit.

    HRP - 4c机器人的造型看上去就是一个普通的日本女性,不过其银黑相间的身体会让人想到航天服。

  • Black is also working on an action project from Sony; and Warner Bros recently hired him to direct a live action adaptation of the Japanese manga series Death Note.


  • The Japanese in 90 years into such a black hole, are still hard to climb out of.


  • Japanese and Chinese lacquer work is often red or black. Sometimes it can be decorated with pieces of silver or gold metal to create an image.


  • Unger Don's hair is golden, but Japanese most of the hair is dark brown or black; Unger Don's eyes is green, but Japanese eyes are grey... the gap is too big!


  • The loss of land and homes a Japanese farmers, unbearable early 1200s trample, fled to a remote desert mountains - the black field.


  • Though black charcoal skincare looks dark, and an ink smell, but the Japanese women obtained high.



in the event that 假若;倘若

studio president 制片主席;影厂厂长

penalty spot n. 点球点;罚球点

taper off 逐渐减少;逐渐变少;逐渐减弱

gell 盖尔

caliginous adj. 暗的;昏暗的;朦胧的

interceding v. 说情;调解;(intercede的现在分词)

perceptional adj. 知觉力的; 知觉作用的

mere supposition 单纯地假设

child marriage 儿童婚姻;童婚;娃娃亲