create user
时间: 2023-06-12 03:21:37
英 [kriːˈeɪt ˈjuːzə]
美 [kriˈeɪt ˈjuzər]


  • Create user defined VDISKs on z/VM

    在z/VM 上创建用户定义的VDISK。

  • Applies to applications that create user documents.


  • With LabVIEW, you quickly create user interfaces that give you interactive control of your software system.


  • For example, you can create user interfaces that incorporate the latest windowing and mouse technology.

    例如, 开发者可以在用户界面中使用最新的窗口及鼠标技术.

  • Two examples from the Fourth Annual Open Education Conference suggest how the publishing business model might evolve to create value that the end-user is willing to pay for on top of free content.

    第四届开放教育年会(Open Education Conference)有两个示例,从中的启发是,出版业的业务模式也许可以演变创造价值,使终端用户乐意在免费内容之上付钱。

  • Can users register to create their own user names, or are the names based on users' e-mail addresses or some other potentially well-known construct (first letter of first name plus last name)?


  • It is possible to create quick and dirty personas just by writing down a few characteristics you think your typical user will have and then give them a name.


  • To do this let's create a simple interface to allow someone to type in a realm name and search for it and display some output to the user.


  • I need a solution that would allow users to create crossword puzzles. the user will create the puzzle (crossword) or word search and designate who can solve it.


  • Point to start - Settings - Control Panel, go beyond point users to choose to create a new user, and then follow the prompts on it.



partial success 部分成功

drunkenness n. 酒醉;醉态

chest n. 胸膛;箱;资金;上身;小箱子;金库;钱库;公款。v. 以胸部推

singlets pl-n. 汗衫;背心;单(谱)线;零自旋(核)能极;单态;(singlet的复数)

expect to do sth 期望做某事

Chicago Board of Trade n. 芝加哥期货交易所

discounting v. 打折扣;对(可能性;事实;人)不全信;对…不予考虑;贴现;降低(产品或服务的)价格;(discount的现在分词)

way of life 典型的行为方式

root ball n. 根团

built adj. 建造;具有…体格的