【天文】 处女星座。
[as genitive
the star Gamma Virginis .室女座γ星。
【占星】 室女宫。
" Latin. "
处女座; 室女星座;室女宫;室女座的;出生于室女宫时段的人
It is said that many Virgos are obsessed with cleanliness.
Virgo is the sixth of the zodiac.
Virgo is to the east of Leo and to the west of Libra.
Do you know any Virgos? Are you a Virgo like I am?
Being a Virgo isn't easy. We get picked on all the time.
Are those stereotypes true? Are they fair? Here's what a Virgo thinks.
Virgo loves fresh food.
Virgo likes to attack back when confronted.
Similarly, Virgo renders the much-needed stability to the relationship and helps the Pisces in decision making.
I was born on the cusp between Virgo and Libra.
"I'm about through Virgo," I said.
室女座(拉丁语:Virgo,天文符号:♍)是最大的黄道带星座,面积1294.43平方度,占全天面积的3.318%,在全天88个星座中,面积排行第二位,仅次于长蛇座。 室女座中亮于5.5等的恒星有58颗,最亮星为角宿一(室女座α),视星等为0.98。每年4月11日子夜室女座中心经过上中天,现在的秋分点位于右执法(室女座β)附近。
Virgo: August 23-September 22\n Ruling Planet: Mercury\n Symbol: the Virgin\n Color: Navy Blue, Dark Gray, Brown\n Luck Stone: Sapphire\n Flowers: Small and Colorful bright flowers\n Lucky Number: 3 and 5\n Lucky Day: Wednesday\n Key phrase: I Analyze\n Keywords: Analytical, Critical, Practical\n Main Trait: Conscientiousness\n Notable Virgo: Johann Wolfgang Goethe (August 28, 1749 German Author, Scientist, Philosopher)\n Michael Jackson (August 29, 1958 American Singer)\n Personal traits: Quietly reserved, Virgos are polite and soft spoken people. Unassuming, outwardly cheerful and agreeable, they can be sensible, discreet, wise and witty, with an understanding of other people's problems which they tackle with deftness. Virgos find their friends among those who can help them move up the social strata. They can be named droppers as they like to associate with achievers.\n Virgos are meticulous planners, considering every detail and its effect. There is seldom much room for emotional involvement because the mind is always engaged and dominant. What they lack in passion they make up for in preciseness.\n On the shadow side, Virgos have a penchant for turning molehills into mountains, difficulties into stress and cleanliness into obsessive behavior\n Profession: Virgos are practical, mental people, possessing inquiring and logical minds. In this respect, they make excellent students, and good teachers. Practical and good with their hands, they are excellent technicians and statisticians. And Virgos possess a strong potential for the arts, sciences and language\n 处女座基本特点 处女座生日分析 处女座星座互动\n 处女座基本特点\n 有点挑剔又追求完美的星座。缺乏信心的个性,常在潜意识里责怪自己不够美好;虽然难免会使心情沉重,但天生的优点就是放得开,不会就此一蹶不振。\n 守 护 星:水星(象徵知性和工作)\n 守 护 神:希腊-汉密斯 罗马-墨格利\n 幸 运 石:红缟玛瑙\n 幸 运 日:礼拜三\n 幸运数字:8和4\n 幸 运 色:灰色\n 幸运地点:小城市\n EQ指数:80-84\n 神话由来\n 根据罗马神话,处女座又名艾思翠诗 (Astraes),为天神丘比特和希蜜丝女神的女儿,是正义女神。黄金时代末期,人类触犯了她,于是大怒之下回到天庭。\n 处女座的性格特色\n 处女座的特色是有丰富的知性,做事一丝不苟,有旺盛的批判精神(那是因为他们总希望世事能和他们的主观标准相同),是个完美主义者,极度地厌恶虚伪与不正当的事。无论年纪大小,都保有一颗赤子之心,充满了对过去的回忆及对未来的梦想。通常他们又很实际,但还是可以使爱幻想和图实际的性格共存且并荣。\n 做事周到、细心、谨慎而有条理,并非常理性,甚至冷酷。有特殊的评论能力,喜欢把事情一点一点的分析、批判。强调完整性,不喜欢半途而废;对任何事都有一套详细的规划,然後一步步的实施并完全掌握。做什么事都很投入,而且好学、好奇、求知欲旺盛。他们对自己的要求很严格,从不妥协、让步,是个优秀的幕僚人才及工作狂。\n 外表安静沉默,对外力的冲突,总是采取逃避的方式,那是因为他们天生较内向、胆怯和孤独的缘故;但只要自己能够确定时,便会变得比较大胆。\n 小秘密\n 他们把结婚想成像糖果般甜美,会应众人要求而结婚。不过小心清纯的处女座,他其实有些“好色”。\n 处女座的魅力\n 看似温柔其实刚毅的个性,及贞洁、聪慧有高度艺术鉴赏力, 使得魅力天成,加上其乐於学习,可以由後天的努力更添魅力。\n 处女座生日分析\n 三区间 08.23-08.31\n 主宰星和个人星都是水星,它是知识的象徵和快速的真理报信人,主宰灵魂和心智中理智的部份,表现出一种机警、灵敏、善领悟、聪慧、勤勉和坚强的人格,这是受好的影响。反之,则爱追根究底、好干涉、粗心、狡猾、急进、好模仿、缺乏能力、健忘和富於表情。这行星据说是伟大的心智主宰者没有它,人们就缺乏记忆、措辞和表达能力。\n 三区间 09.01-09.11\n 个人星是土星,它的影响是限制性的,统治思考和沈思的倾向,使它的子民小心、有耐心而体贴。土星主要是使所有的事情均能固定而成为具体状况,它的力量在於稳定、坚忍、固执和坚毅方面。透过节俭的办法和小心的投资,会得利。豁达大度,仁慈,乐行善事,有悲天悯人的天性。\n 三区间 09.12-09.22\n 个人星是金星,爱和美的象徵,赋予爱之坚贞,它指示出敏感,慷慨,和谐,有领悟力且冷静的脑筋;一颗能够对人生采取公正的观念的脑子。很好的调和感,清楚的看到一物的两面。赞美和钦慕会影响天性中好的倾向,能与人分享世俗的所有物,特别是自己亲近的人。慷慨的天性,是受金星的影响.
【天文】 处女星座。
[as genitive
【占星】 室女宫。
" Latin. "
I bet you're a Gemini. Nope. Taurus? Nope. Virgo? Nope. Sagittarius? Yep. I knew it. I knew it.
《Friends Season 7》《老友记 第七季》
Han, what sign are you? I'm guessing the 40-year-old Virgo.
《2 Broke Girls Season 4》《破产姐妹 第四季》