a list of stamps, books, recordings, or similar items required by a collector
n. 所需货品清单
Dining out at fancy restaurants and shopping for designer label clothes are likely to go on the want list.
In the section called Load wantlist, fill in (or browse for) your wantlist.xml file name, and then click Load want list.
在Load wantlist部分,填写(或浏览)wantlist . xml文件名,然后单击Load want list。
Supervised office staff of twenty clerical, stenographic, and machine operator personnel. Responsible for the monthly distribution of want list to over 200 buyers.
If this is important to you, start composing your want list now so that you can check features on the 2.0 processors that will be available when the spec is finalized.
For Jason Hendler and more than 50,000 others who put their names on an Internet "want list" in hopes of one day owning the Chevrolet Volt plug-in car, the wait is almost over.
对于Jason Hendler以及其他50000名将他们的名字登记在网上的等待列表里,希望有一天能拥有一辆雪佛兰·福特的充电式汽车的人来说,他们的等待马上就要结束了。
a list of stamps, books, recordings, or similar items required by a collector