Grinnell has captured the moment that Air Commando bomber pilot and former Flying Tiger r.
If a bomber pilot failed to receive confirmation at any checkpoint, he would abandon the mission and turn the plane around.
I went to Louisiana to begin my cadet pilot training, but after a few months I asked to be transferred and went to Florida to gunnery school on a B-24 (bomber).
我去了路易斯安那州的学校参加了飞行员训练,但是几个月后我又被转移到福罗里达州的B - 24炮兵学校去了。
You and your bomber are our last hope in hostile territory. We count on your high experience as a pilot and we hope you will not disappoint us.
He is a pilot and has flown about 20 major military aircraft includingnumerous bomber, high performance fighter and command and control aircraft.